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General Medicine

Saba Medical experienced and skilled physicians 

Complete General Medicine and First-Aid services.
Advanced medical procedures.

“Every patient is different, with own unique needs. My goal is to design & tailor an individual treatment plan to help each and every one of my patients to achieve the best possible outcome.”

abu dhabi medical center
Saba Medical Center - Dr Pervez Aslam

Dr. Pervez Aslam
Medical Director

abu dhabi medical center
general medical centre


  • Managing chronic illnesses like Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Essential Hypertension, Mixed Dyslipidemia, and various others.
  • Managing Hairline and Non-Displaced Closed Fractures of short and long bones of upper and lower limbs.
  • Performing common Primary Care Surgical Procedures like Incision and Drainage of Cutaneous Skin Abscess and Excision of Sebaceous Cyst, Evacuation of Subungal Hematoma, Simple Laceration repairs, and Removal of Cerumen Impaction and various others.
  • Managing common Skin conditions like Tinea Corporis, Tinea Cruris, Scabies, Atopic Dermatitis amongst others.
  • Managing common Respiratory conditions like Acute Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and various others.